BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What two camras work well togeather.

I am researching camaras and was woundering two good carmaras that would work well togeather and use the same lenses. So I could use them on both of the camaras? It would same me some money.
Researching many possiblitys on starting my own bussness up. And that would help a great deal. thank you,

P.S. thank you for ansering my last question so fast, having to do with my sisters wedding.

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January 23, 2005


  get two of the same camera, why not? this way you wont have to deal w/ the differences the in controls. and if you want two different cameras that take the same lens just make sure they are the same brands. but note that some older models aren't compatible w/ newer models. (i.e. canon fd mount and canon ef mount.)

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January 23, 2005


doug Nelson
  I could imagine a Canon EOS digital body and a Canon EOS film body sharing the same lenses. Except for the very expensive 1DS models, however, you have a conversion factor when using the same lens on both cameras. For example, you have a 35mm wide angle on the EOS, but a 50 or so when used on most Canon digital bodies.

Some photogs buy a top-of-the-line pro body and a cheaper body by the same manufacturer as a backup. If both are digital, or both are film, there's no conversion factor to worry about when switching between them.

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January 24, 2005

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