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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Bunny Snow

accessories really needed with MR-14EX TTL Ring Li

I can understand that I need batteries (AA) for the MR-14EX TTL Ring Lite. But, what other accessories do I really need to get started.

When I did macro work before, I used foam core to bounce the light back into the flower and thus, create even lighting.

Using a ring lite seems like it would be lots easier, but I don't know which accessories are really needed, and why.

Can you enlighten me?

Also, how do I measure a lighting ratio with a Canon Elan 7E, the MR-14EX, and other compatible flash equipment, when there is no place for a sync cord to attach to my Sekonic flash meter? Help!

Thanking you, as always, for your assistance.


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January 17, 2005

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