BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

William M. Clark

Lens and Cameras

Thanks Alex; the Canon 28-135 is some what expensive, what is your appraise of the Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 USM If money wasn't a problem which one of these lens would buy; the Canon EF 28-105mm or the 28-135? Thanks in advance.

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January 16, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  My thoughts on the 28-105: Wonderful lens, used it to take my family portraits (with monopod and flash) with surprising results. Very compact, lens hood was easy to find and use. Common filter size of 58mm is a godsend. If you can't afford the 28-135, don't hesitate on this one.
If money IS NOT as issue, however: Go for that 28-135!!! Even if it's not the prettiest or sturdiest, it has more reach and Image Stabalizer, which is Amazing!!!

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January 16, 2005


William M. Clark
  Alex, thanks a whole lot; the information that you have provided me will go a long way in my len purchasing decision. Again thanks.

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January 17, 2005


Victoria G.
  There is more than one 28-105. I believe the 28-105IIUSM is the better one. A reputable camera store will tell you the differences.

I have the 28-135IS and WOW! I couldn't afford to go 2.8 either. I haven't really had any problems. I was already used to 3.5-4.5.

The extra zoom has been amazing. You would be surprised how just a little more zoom can make all the difference sometimes. The IS can be huge in low light situations when a tripod isn't available. Just make sure you don't push that shutter speed too far.

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April 11, 2005

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