BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

William M. Clark

Lens and Cameras

Thanks Michael, I appreciate your immediate response to my questions. I have focused on your suggestive consideration of the Canon 28-135mm lens. After reading the reviews on Pricegrabber of persons who have purchased this len, about 99 percent of them have very high prasises for this len but it appears to me that they all are owners of the Digital Rebel 300D. Is this len compatible with the Canon T2 Film camera? Do you know of any owners of Canon Rebel T2 who uses this len? Thanks again.

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January 16, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  Yes, the 28-135 lens will work wonderful on your T2. The only lenses that WILL NOT work are lenses designated "FD" (the old manual focus mount) and "EF-S" (Usually only sold with digital cameras, however some are sold 'Stand alone'. not compatible with film cameras.) I have heard good things about this lens, just treat it with care: It's not built like a tank. So long as you don't drop it off a second-story balcony, it'll be your best friend.

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January 16, 2005

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