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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Which camera should I buy?

I am an intermediate photographer. I want to buy an new SLR camera but I am not too experienced in the latest cameras that they have nowdays. (I am old-school, I have an old manual SLR, Pentax) I want a camera that will not be too expensive but not cheap in quality. Also, one that will not cost me a fortune in buying lenses. Any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.

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January 16, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  Sadly, the current pentax line is a mystery to me as well. However, I can give you relatively detailed info about cameras in the Canon line.
A good body to start out on would be the new Rebel T2, which runs for $190 off It has tons of EASY to understand features, along with 6 custum functions you can play around with after you get used to the camera. Build quality seems to be better than usual for a camera in this price range, so no worries there.
I'm assuming you're currently shooting with a 50mm lens on that pentax. If you enjoy the lens, or just have gotten used to it, Canon makes a 50mm f/1.8 for about $75 (again, off If you want to move up into zooms, a wonderful lens is the 28-105mm f/3.5 - 4.5, which I own myself. It yeilds wonderful images, considering it's only $240.
If you'd like info on Pentax, visit their website at

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January 16, 2005


Victoria G.
  I am also only familiar with Canon products. I have owned a Rebel, Elan IIE and currently an EOS 3. The Rebel was a great little camera, but the Elan was much better. You sort of get what you pay for with most cameras. My EOS 3 is pretty awesome. It has the same metering and focusing as the PRO1 cameras.

The Elan line has more metering and focusing areas, faster shutter speed and sync speed over the Rebels. Neither has a PC connection if you need this. Of course, you can always use a hotshoe adapter for studio lights.

Check out Canon's web for lots of technical info. Canon has several affordable lenses that make great images. Depends on how much you want to spend.

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April 11, 2005


Larry T. Miller
  Try the Nikon FM-2N. A great camera for an intermediate, "old school" type of photographer...

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March 27, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Amy: I think it'd help us help you get a more useful answer to your question if you first told us how you plan to use your new acquisition, what format you're looking for, what your future photography might involve like lenses, accessories, interchangable backs, etc. and a basic budget.

Since you're an intermediate old school type of photographer, you might consider making a short leap to medium format SLRs, including the Pentax, Mamiya, Bronica or even Hasselblad. There are some great deals available on that kind of gear. Whaddya think??
Let us know.

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March 27, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  BTW, once you get your choices narrowed down a bit to say a couple of cameras, I always recommend that people try before they buy, by going to a local camera store and renting one or two models for a weekend to take them for a test drive. Afterall, aside from getting a good price, buying a camera is highly subjective and you ought to be comfortable with how it feels and handles too. ;>)

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March 27, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Amy;

My suggestion is to go to a local camera shop and handle many cameras. Find one you feel comfortable with. One you can easily handle. Every camera is different, and every person handling it is different. Find the camera that is right for you.

Once you find your camera, shop around. Get the best price. Don't buy the first one you see. Look on ebay, different stores listed on the net, or local camera shops.

Once you've found the camera that's right for you, at a price you can afford, you've found your new camera.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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March 27, 2006


Jim Macino
  Looks like nobody asked the big or digital? I'd seriously stay away from eBay on any photographic item. Check out the reputable places like The couple of bucks you might pay, is cheap preventative headache medicine for the possibilites presented in an online auction.

I've switched to Canon and haven't had to look back. The Digital Rebel XL looks pretty nice.

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March 27, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Jim;

I'd just like to say that I've bought many items from ebay, and had nothing but good luck. Two of the lenses I purchased were listed in good condition. When I received them, they were new, in the box, with all paperwork including warrenty cards. Ebay gives you the ability to read revues on the seller before you commit to the purchase.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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March 27, 2006


Jim Macino
  Well Mark, not to debate the godd luck or bad luck of an eBay item, my point is that dealing with a company that will stand behind a product after "no longer a registered user", or 7 consecutives negatives, is a more suitable way for after purchase support.
I personally have bought and sold items upwards of $25K on eBay. But I wouldn't suggest that a person who asks "what camera should I buy?" to pop on to an online auction as the source of that information. Like I pointed out, everybody has a solution, without understanding the question. I liked your first response "go to a local camera shop and handle many cameras. Find one you feel comfortable with" and give them your requirements.

Cheers - Jim

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March 27, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Jim;

I was telling her to find a camera that she likes, then shop around, compare prices, and get the best deal. Once you find what you like, you know what to look for.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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March 27, 2006

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