BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

William M. Clark

Lens and Cmaeras

NEED HELP' I plan to purchase a Canon 35mm Film Camera(T2),it comes with EF 28-90 Zoom Lens F4-5.6 USM. As a Beginner,
should I purchase just the camera body
and purchase 28-105 II USM Zoom lens
seperate, (as has been suggested) and also an EF 50mm F1.8 USM II Autofocus Lens? I would appreciate an immediate response and thanks in advance.

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January 15, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
I personally own the 28-105, and can attest to its excellent image quality. I've never used the 28-90, but considering it's a Canon, it can't be far off (although it is pretty slow). There's not much optical difference between 90mm and 105mm, so it may come down to the price.
The 50/1.8 would not offer you anything other than speed. If you buy the slow 28-90, it might be nice to have the 50 in your camera bag for low light situations. If you invision times where you will need to shoot under available 'darkness' with no flash, then add the 50. Otherwise, save your money.
NOW...let me throw something else at you, which you might want to consider, and that's the 28-135. It's got a superb reputation for its optical quality, and the image stabilizer is nothing short of awesome. It is a little more expensive than the
28-105, and I passed it by when I bought my own 28-105,and am now sorry I didn't bite the bullet and just get the 28-135. Check out Monte Zucker's monthly article in Shutterbug. All shots for the last couple of years have been made with the 28-135.
Good Luck
Michael H. Cothran

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January 15, 2005

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