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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

which wide angle lense to buy

Of the Phoenix, Tameron, Tonika, and Vivitar 19-35mm wide angle Autofocus lenses for Minolta Maxxium, which is the best and why? Do they all have Manual Focus capability?

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January 15, 2005


Jon Close
  All have manual focus in addition to AF.
Tamron and Tokina manufacture their own.
The Promaster version is made by Tamron.
The Phoenix and Vivitar versions I believe are made by Cosina, but could be sourced from another company (Samyang? Sigma?).

They are all virtually the same optically. The Tokina is the closest focusing (to 15.6" instead of 19.7" for the others), which can be an advantage in some wide-angle compositions. The Tokina and Tamron have the best build quality, IMHO.

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January 15, 2005

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