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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Jaime Finseth

What to buy - Pentax 645NII vs. Mamiya 645AFD

I am looking to buy my first medium format camera and can't decide between the Pentax 645NII or the Mamiya 645AFD. I will be using this camera to shoot portraits both in studio and outdoors.

I like the fact that the Mamiya 645AFD has the interchangable film backs and the option (if/when I can afford it) for a digital back; whereas the Pentax lacks these features.

Any thoughts and recommendations on which will be the better long-term investment?

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January 14, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  That is a hard choice. As you stated, the Mamiya has interchangable film backs and the option for a digital back whereas the Pentax does not. If these two things are important to you, you really don't have a choice. Otherwise, they are both excellent cameras. Personally, I use the Pentax 645N and I love it.

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January 14, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Let me take Kerry's response, which was right on the money, and go a couple of steps further.
1. Do you shoot 35, and if so, what brand? The reason I ask it that the f-stops and focusing direction are opposite on the two cameras. Pentax focuses in the same direction as Nikon, whereas Mamiya focuses the same as Canon. This is important if you have to keep familiarizing yourself each time you change cameras.
2. I'd look at the lenses in each lineup, and determine which has the more appropriate focal lengths and zooms that I would be likely to buy in the future. While each brand covers similar focal lengths, they vary slightly, and more so in their respective zoom offerings.
Good luck
Michael H. Cothran

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January 15, 2005


Jaime Finseth
  To answer your question Michael, I am using a Cannon AE-1 currently. I appreciate your input as I didn't think about that.



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January 19, 2005

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