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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 


Buying a Keiv 88. wait. maybe a 88cm...

I have been looking though a few medium format cameras and have ditched the fact of trying medium format for my sports shots. I will leave that entirely to my 35mm with a much faster flash sync than the kievs. Plus I havent been shooting much of sports anymore. I Narrowed down to the Kiev 88 or 88cm. Maybe even the ugly of the bunch the Kiev 60 depending on what I learn out about the 88 because I am on a very low budget. Is it worth the extra $cash$ for the 88cm? Besides a more accurate film advance there isnt that much, in my eye, to lean towards the 88cm. Was there that much of a problem with the 88's film advance? Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thank you.

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January 12, 2005

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