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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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Manual focus zooms for Pentax K

Hi! I'm an amateur photographer with less than one year of experience. I own a Pentax ME Super with Pentax SMC M 50 f1.4, Takumar 135 f3.5 and Pentax SMC M 200 f4 lenses. I am very satisfied with them. Now I want to buy an used zoom for my mountain vacations 'cause it would be impractical to change lenses in the middle of the trail on my mountain bike, but here in my country the choices of cristal items are limited: Takumar 28/80, Tokina 35/135 and 50/250, Vivitar 70/210 and 80/200, and probably a Pentax 80/200. I could also get a new plastic Sigma or Tamron 28/200, 70/300 or 100/300, but they're very pricy here. Besides, I've heard bad things about their optical quality. Can someone give me some advice and help me choosing from the options I've listed above? Thanks a lot!

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January 12, 2005 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  Hello Claudio,

I like the 'Tokina' range of lenses if I am planning on using them for what I call 'off road' shooting. they are pretty sturdy and it has been my experience that they stand up to a bit of shaking and knocking around in the back pack (this is my own experience and may not be the case for everyone!)

the size Tokina lens you mentioned '35/135' may not do what you are hoping for with the mountain vacation, I would be a bit leary to recomend that size because you may want a slightly bigger zoom. 70/210 or so you will enjoy more I think. Ofcourse you should always have something smaller (maybe 28/70 or so) with you for those wider sort of shots. One thing to concider also is the weight of the lenses and if you will need a tripod. maybe concider a monopod, they are lighter and less bulky. Of course, yet again you have to substitute something in this case, the stability of a tripod for the convenience of the monopod. Alternatly you can just rely on mother nature to supply you with means to stabilize your camera where needed - ugh this can sometimes be challenging.

anyway I am sure you will have a great time, dont stress too much over which lens to bring - no matter what lenses you have with you there is always more than one way to capture a shot. Just improvise :-)

good luck

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January 12, 2005


  Thanks a lot, Pamela. I'll follow your advise and improvise.

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January 13, 2005

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