BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

making slides of my oil paintings

I need to buy a camera so that I can make 35mm slides of my oil paintings. However, I do not know what to get. I am sure though that I would rather not get anything digital, and would like keep the cost as low as possible. Would a simple point and shoot work? Also, what kind of film do I need to get, slide film or regular? Any help/tips would be much appreciated.

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January 11, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  If shooting pictures of paintings is ALL you are doing, you can get away with relatively little gear. You'll want a SLR body though: a point and shoot will haunt you at close ranges. (recommended bodies: bottom of the line body in whatever brand you choose. Canon: Rebel GII, Nikon: N65). You're going to NEED a good tripod, so go for all metal construction. (recommended: manfrotto 3001n legs purchased off, as they have good deals on tripod kits. make sure to either buy a kit with a head or buy one seperatly.) The most important thing you'll buy is the lens. I'd go for a Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX macro lens for whatever brand body you decide on. The macro feature should help you get better pictures of a planar subject, such as a painting. (make sure the lens is NOT the "DG" version: those lenses were made for digital SLR's). A good slide film is Fuji Velvia 50. Put everything together, and you'll have a wonderful setup for not that much money.
Hope this helps.

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January 12, 2005

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