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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

zur deep

beginner camera

Thanks for reply. I have yashica FX3 with Yashica 50mm lense. But it fell down on floor from cupboard once and focus is not that great anymore. But even when it was new, I still never got pictures of the quality of minolta that my friend had. Anyone can guess what minolta model was around in 1982-1984. I can never forget those pictures. Now I have option of buying minolta X-370 with 50mm lense or minolta maxxum 70 with 28-100mm zoom lense in same price range. But I do not know what to pick? And I do not want to waste money on wrong stuff. Someone recently gave me canon 80u point and shoot camera with built in 28-80 zoom. It took great pics indoor and I was impressed with automatic flash adjustment on it. But the pictures I took outdoor with ISO 400 film in bright sunlight were all under exposed and dark. That was a huge dissapointment. I am afraid that it might happen with my next purchase. I will appreciate reply. thanks

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January 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I own a Minolta X700, which came out at about that time I think, and I can tell you it is a fine camera. I also own an SRT-201. Now that is ancient. Minolta is a fine line of cameras. It just depends on which one you like the best.Either will give you excellent photos. The 70 is autofocus and the 370 is manual.

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January 12, 2005


Will Turner
  The Minolta X-370/570/700 have a well deserved reputation for mechanical and electronic breakdown. Blown capacitors, broken plastic in the film transport, shutters jumping off track, broken film advance and rewind levers, you name it. The AF models are a repairman's nightmare with their constantly changing parts and oddball features. I'd never buy a Minolta.

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August 08, 2005

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