BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery


I was wondering, since I already have a 50mm canon lens, could I use it to do wedding/group shot? Are should I buy another lens?

Also, Would it be smart to buy a 28-200mm lens in stead of a 80-200mm lens ?
I don't want to buy a bunch of lens that I really don't need. My focus is portraits, weddings& some wildlife.

Please respond.

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January 04, 2005


doug Nelson
  A 50 will meet most of your needs when doing a wedding. A big exception is when you have to include a group and don't have room to back up. A prime 28 (28 only) wide angle should frame everyone without objectionable distortion at the edges of the frame. Try not to place people at the very edge, however.

For portraits and wildlife, get a Canon 80-200, the f2.8 version if you can afford it. If you ever want to specialize in portraits, get an 85mm.

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January 05, 2005

- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery
  Thank You very much.

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January 05, 2005

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