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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Bunny Snow

tripod collar

I'm in training and making certain that everything I buy for my Canon EOS Elan 7E, can be used on the 20D or similar cameras when I'm ready to make the jump into digital. Therefore, I'm carefully selecting equipment.

Recently, it was suggested that I purchase the Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Autofocus Telephoto Zoom Lens. In the description at various New York camera houses, is written:

"The tripod collar (sold separately) is the same one used with the EF 300mm f/4L USM." That's nice to know, but I don't have a 300 mm lens. I just want to make certain I order the tripod collar, but I don't know the item number or price of the tripod collar. Plus, when I search for tripod collar I get something other than Canon.

Specifically, for should I ask when I purchase this lens, so I know I'll get what I think I want?

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January 04, 2005


Jon Close
  Canon Tripod Mount Ring A.
Comes included with the EF 300 f/4L IS USM and EF 400 f/5.6L USM. Also fits the EF 70-200 f/4L USM and EF 200 f/2.8L II USM.

Note, the white version is ~$120, but if you get it in black it's "only" ~$90. Rest assured, other than paint color, they are identical.

link to the rings at B&H Photo.

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January 04, 2005


Bunny Snow
  Thanks, Jon.

You and others on this discussion list
have been so helpful. Without having anyone available that sells Canon locally, I would not know where I could get answers to my many questions.

Your suggestion will be ordered shortly.

Thank you again.

Bunny Snow

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January 04, 2005

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