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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Michelle J. Adamick

Tilt Shift Lenses

Hi there, I am just wondering what a tilt-shift lens is? Just heard people talking about them... Thanks.

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January 03, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  When you take a picture of a skyscraper you'll notice that perspective makes the top of the building lead to avanishing point. That is, vertical lines are no longer, necessarily, vertical.

A tilt-shift lens allows a shifts in the way the images are transmitted to teh film plane, allowing verticals to be displayed as verticals. Obviously, there are some limits.

Tilt-shift lenses are relatively expensive and, unless you're really into architectural photography, may not be the kind of purchase you need to make.

Check out John Hedgcoe's books on photography. many of them have the use of these lenses well illustrated.


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January 04, 2005


Peter (lukas) Johansen
  I happen to know a lot about tilt and shift lenses. When you fotografer something with straight lines then ordinary lenses distort them. then the lines are not straight any more. Tilt objektives or tils shift objektives can solve that problem but they give new problems.
Tilt or tilt shift objektives are quite expensive. it takes time to adjust the setting. meaning that you have to have the camera on a stand trifod. this is big problem.
I was taking pictures in Egypt of ancient tempels. In order to use a tilt shift lens I had to use a stand. Then the guard demanded a stand ticket of mere than 100 US dollars.

It is not only the tilt shift lens that is expensive, you have to temporarely replace a litle gadget inside the camera. "dont knov what it is called in english".
That gadget cost money too and only top end cameras will allov you to change the gadget. Thats expensive.

Listen it is much better that you learn to use telelenses to minimise the problem of declining lines. if you say take the picture with a 120 mm telelens (Zoom Ok) Then the problems with declining lines distortion of lines becomes smaler. it also depends vher you put the lines in the pictures.
All in all I say that for anybody who is not a proffesional architecture photografer then tilt/ or tils shift lenses are a vaste of money.
Canon makes some very good tilt and shift lenses. They are horrible expensive but you can get them on the net for somewhat less.
Yours truly Peter (Lukas) Johansen

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February 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  This isn't going to give you an immediate understanding of the terms tilt and shift, but I would highly recommend you read as much as you can about large format lenses and cameras. Even take a course if you can. Just about all large format cameras have tilt, shift, swing, and rise/fall capabilities. Tilting gives you the option of deciding which plane will be in focus. Without tilt capabilities, the only planes of focus you can choose from are those that are parallel to the film plane. Shifting and/or rise/fall helps you eliminate converging lines for one thing.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 07, 2005

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