BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Photographic Equipment to Buy

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Pentax Asahi KM 1975

I have recently inherited a Pentax Asahi KM camera, I was once shown how too use but I was too young too remember all its functions. I am not an expereienced photographer but am looking too get into photography for my art GCSE. I was wondering if you could tell me:

i) there is a ring on the lense used for adjusting the camera for taking pictures at different light levels. how do I use this too produce effective photographs?

ii) what is the dial next too the lever used for winding the film on? how do I use it?

iii) the camera came with several different parts. how do I use them.
1. a helicoid extension tube K
2. Kenco Skylight (diameter 77)
3. Skylight (52mm)

iv) are there any particular things I should be careful about when changing films, buying films etc.?

Thank you very much.


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October 22, 2002


doug Nelson
  Go to and you can buy a manual for this camera for maybe $6. Put the filters and extension tube away for now. Leave that dial on the rewind knob at 0. If you can't get a manual, look for a book on photography basics at the library. Hold on to this camera. If you will want additional lenses later, they are inexpensive and of excellent quality.

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October 22, 2002


Jon Close has free downloads of user manuals. Go to

Find the KM under SLRs, about 1/3 down the page.

For beginner photographer information, check out "All About Photography" and the "Course" at this site, and also Kodak's "Taking Great Pictures" at

and the online photography courses by Agfa

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October 22, 2002

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