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Category: Best Photographic Equipment to Buy

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

what type of lense should i get?

I bought a FM10 nikon camera. now I was thinking to buy a lense to take close up images. what would be a good lense to get for my camera. I think I want a lense that is manual. how much can I expect to pay?

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September 09, 2002


doug Nelson
  Be glad Nikon didn't shut you off from manual lenses as Canon did with the EOS system. Find out from Nikon or your instruction book what manual Nikon lenses you can use., under caamera profiles, explains AI, AIS and non-AI Nikon lenses. It's beyond me.

You could buy a new manual macro lens from several manufacturers. Most new ones are in the 90-105-mm range, probably around $300. Cosina, I think, has one that should be decent for about $150.
If you buy a used Tamron, Tokina, Vivitar or Sigma macro lens, be sure it's the Nikon lens type that the FM10 can use.
Nikon, however, made a splendid 50 or 55 macro they called a micro lens. It can double as a 50-mm standard lens. It must be in the Nikon configuration your FM10 uses, however. A disadvantage of a 50 macro over a 90 or 100 or 105 is that you have to get very close to your subject, maybe impractically close at times.

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September 10, 2002


doug Nelson
  I just checked Cosina's web page. That 100-mm f3.5 macro is Nikon AIS. It may be sold here under the Phoenix brand. It is less than $150!

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September 11, 2002

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