BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Photographic Equipment to Buy

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What type lens should I buy with my first SLR body

I am shopping for my first SLR camera.I haven't decided which brand to go with,yet.However,I need some advice as to what type of lens to buy with my new camera. Any tips for a newcomer to SLRs would be appreciated. Thanks KAY

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August 28, 2002


doug Nelson
  The photogeezer recommends you buy a 50, actually one of any maker's cheapest lenses, and one of the best in terms of sharpness and lack of distortion. A 50 with a max aperture of 1.8 is most economical. Learn to use the 50 well, and you will know when and how to use wide-angles and telephotos.

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August 29, 2002

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