BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Photographic Equipment to Buy

Photography Question 

Sherrie K. Miller


ok I got an SLR minolta mamxum 5 I want to do wild life, I bought a 500 mm lens
what is the best speed film an I use B & W as well! can some 1 plz direct me...
thanks Sherrie

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March 29, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Well for starters with a 500mm lens you will be shooting on a tripod. So now you have to decide what kind of light you will be shooting in. If you have a very sturdy tripod and use a cable release with MLU you could get away with ISO100. For wildlife MLU doesn't seem very practical though. If the light is good I would think ISO400 would be good. In lower light ISO800 might be needed. There are variables you need to provide the solutions to before a film choice can be made.

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March 30, 2002


Sherrie K. Miller
  well mostly ill be shooting in good weather, least till winter comes again! from 9 am untill 1 pm what to use with forcast days an what to use in sunny days an do I need a sun shade?

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March 30, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I'm assuming the 500mm is a mirror lens with a fixed aperture. The best thing to do is to go out in the light you expect to be shooting in and try setting your camera to different ISO's and see what gives you the best shutter speed for what you are shooting. My guess would be that if you are shooting with a 500mm then you obviously aren't going to be all that close to the animals. Consequently they probably won't be moving that much. I would say ISO400 is going to work fine. But in the end it really doesn't take all that much effort to test it yourself.

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March 30, 2002

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