BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Photographic Equipment to Buy

Photography Question 

Tony Peckman

Umbrellas...silver, white, convertible?

  Diffusion panel "studio"
Diffusion panel "studio"
Simple B&W studio set up using diffusion panel, foamboard and SV light source.

Tony Peckman

  Couple Portrait
Couple Portrait
Simple portrait using above studio set up.

Tony Peckman

I'm trying to do an inexpensive flash/umbrella lighting set up. What is the main differences/effects between using silver and white umbrellas? Also, is there any advantage to the "removable black cover" umbrellas? I am shooting a prom dance soon. I also am starting to shoot portraits in a make shift "studio" in my basement, albeit I have been limited to B&W because of the color temp of my flood lamp bulb.
Any umbrella information is helpful!
I've included my "studio" and one portrait of friends.

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March 21, 2002


Umbrella or no umbrella---what a couple. I have used the same models for some of my own projects. Here's another shot of them.

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March 21, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  A silver umbrella puts out a slightly harder edged and more specular light. It also transmits more of the light. Conversely a white umbrella is softer and cuts out more light. The removeable cover can come in handy as it allows you to shoot through the umbrella. Shooting through gives you a slightly harder light and more output.

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March 21, 2002

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