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Category: Camera Lenses

Photography Question 


Choosing the Right Lens

I just purchased the Canon EOS Digital camera, which comes w/ a basic 18-55mm lens. I am considering the purchase of a 28-300mm lens to keep from having to purchase two or three lenses.

As I'm sure you've guesses now, I am a novice at this. My question is: how much quality do you give up w/ a 20-300mm lens? Is it better to get several lens for different distances?

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December 07, 2003


doug Nelson
  Reviews I've read of that 18-55 speak rather highly of it (Shutterbug). A 28-300 would duplicate some of what you already have, and add a lot on the telephoto end. Don't expect a zoom of this range to give you optical quality better than what you have. Every review or test I've read talk about barrel distortion at the wide end and pincushion distortion at the tele end of all these affordable super zooms. Consider, instead, a narrower range zoom (70-200) to cover the tele end. The multiplier effect of digital vs. film gives you a bonus in that a 70-200 becomes about a 100-300. You may find that you use tele focal lengths the least. A tele is a special purpose lens requiring some special technique. You must use faster shutter speeds and faster film as well. As it's difficult or impossible to hand hold long lenses in bad light, budget for a tripod, or, at least, a monopod.

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December 08, 2003


Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback on my question. I've been reading a great deal since the purchase of my digital camera, and it is starting to make more sense.

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December 12, 2003


Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback on my question. I've been reading a great deal since the purchase of my digital camera, and it is starting to make more sense.

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December 12, 2003


Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback on my question. I've been reading a great deal since the purchase of my digital camera, and it is starting to make more sense.

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December 12, 2003

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