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Category: Camera Lenses

Photography Question 

Cheryl Delage

What Is a Lens Doubler (Tele-Converter)?

Can someone explain what a "lens doubler" is?

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March 27, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  It's also commonly called a "tele-converter." It goes between your camera and lens, and will double the focal length of your lens. So, if you have a 300mm lens, and use a tele-converter or lens doubler, you would end up with a 600mm lens.
The downside is that they rob you of 2 full stops of light, and some image quality. There are some special units that are manufactured and dedicated to use with a certain lens, while others are generic in nature and can be used on just about any lens. It's a cheap way to double the amount of focal length of the lenses in your pouch. The very best are quite good, while the cheaper bunch are not. Again, as in most things optical - you get what you pay for.
Michael H. Cothran

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March 27, 2005


Cheryl Delage
  Thank you Michael, that helps.


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March 27, 2005


Maria Horvath
  I've also read with the 2x teleconverter you lose auto focus. Michael you said the best were very good while cheaper not. Could you recommend a better one so as much image quality could be maintained. I was looking at the kenko brands.

Maria Horvath

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March 30, 2005

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