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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Ziyaad Khoja

Mega Pixels

I like to know what is the best digital camera to purchase or to be specific, how many mega pixels should I consider.
The purpose of this camera is to take product shots. I will be outputing to B&W on a laser printer that can print 600x600 DPI. Right now I have a Kodak CX6230, 2.1 Mega Pixels. When I print almost the original size, it comes out pretty nice, but when I resize it to a smaller size I lose lots of detail.

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March 16, 2004


  Have you looked at the Nikon DX1 or the Nikon D100.

Both of these cameras will solve your problem as long as you know how to set up the shot.

Ie. TIFF or RAW mode, proper lighting, clean lense, proper focus etc.

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March 17, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Ziyaad,

The number of MP you need depends on what your final output needs are. If you are only going to output to laser @ 600x600 dpi B&W, then you will probably want something that is 6MP or more.

Depending on your budget, you might be able to go with the 11MP and the 13.5MP digital cameras as well.

When you resize to a smaller size, you are throwing away information, so the image will look worse. You can try to resize in PS with "resample" turned off. That way, no information is thrown away, only the representation of the image is different.

Now, if by product shot, you meant for online sales and such, then 2MP to 3MP would be more than enough. For brochures and such, you will definitely want a 6MP pro camera. The 8MP cameras are nice for the size, but have high noise currently. The 11MP digital camera and 13.5MP digital camera from Canon and Kodak respectively are GREAT for product shots for glossy brochures and such, but they cost about $7000 and $4000 respectively.

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March 18, 2004

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