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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Leonid Strizhevskiy

Photopaper for Epson2200

I just bought an Epson 2200 printer.
What photopapers would you recommend for it? What is the best place to buy paper?

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March 16, 2004



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March 25, 2004


Mike Carpenter
  Epson paper is always going to work good with it. I have the 2200 and I use epson paper.


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September 04, 2005

- Peggy J. Sells

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy J. Sells
Peggy J. Sells's Gallery
  I also have the 2200 and order all my paper through It will say if the paper is compatable with the 2200 a lot are not. I usually get my order within 3 days and shipping is free over a certain amount. I use the Ilford Smooth Pearl. The 2200 prints beautifully on canvas as well.

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September 04, 2005

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