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BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Rumiana Koynova-Tenchova

Macro Button

What does the "Macro" button of the digital cameras do? I mean - what is the difference in shooting close-ups with "Macro" button on or off?
Sorry for the amateur question :-((

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March 16, 2004


Jon Close
  Usually explained in the manual, it may vary by specific camera model. Basically the lens is limited in normal mode to focus only as close as maybe 1m or .5m. Switched to "macro" mode the camera will allow closer focus, down to maybe .25m or closer.

Note that at very close focus range a tripod is recommended because (a) blurring from hand-held camera-shake is amplified, and (b) at such close range the depth of field is extremely shallow, so that even if the shutter speed is fast enough to prevent camera-shake, slight movement from hand-holding can leave your intended subject out of focus.

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March 16, 2004

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