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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 
- Kelly Abernathy

BetterPhoto Member
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Getting confidence to show photos for 1st time

I think I'm getting the confidence to show some of my pics on a website or at betterphoto. I haven't edited any yet - Just got PS CS and am going to install it this weekend and start learning. What's your advice on how to get started showing my photos? Should I make a website? Should I go through betterphoto? both? Also, how do I protect or copyright the photos so they can't be downloaded or printed? I would love to get some feedback on my shots - I know I have a lot of room for improvement and am eager to learn. Thanks -K

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March 13, 2004


Nick Milton
  most web servers(which you obviously got to get on net)give you arround 10 mb web space free,just create a site in there templates,get you address saved,then go to page,change address to ftp://whatever address is.then create a online web gallery in photoshop,(crompress pics first)then just drag and drop into ftp page from your gallery page you jsut created.then change domain name to something easier to find,EG .tk
easier said than done

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March 13, 2004

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