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Converting from RAW to TIFF

I recently had a chance to borrow a D2H Nikon camera, with which I shot about 130 raw compressed images. It was my first experience with a digital SLR. To date, I have used the F100 and film.
I don't understand the raw to tiff conversion process using Photoshop CS. Can anyone refer me to good reading on this process or explain it to me? I don't have any digital camera software, so I can't use that, but I do have the latest version of PS with the RAW plugin included. Is there a way to batch process them into TIFF? Should I individually adjust each one during the conversion process in terms of sharpness, exposure, etc, or can I wait to do that with each image during more typical PS CS color balance, cropping type of editing?
In short, what's the most efficient, effective Raw to TIFF conversion process using PS CS once the images come off your camera onto your pc?

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March 11, 2004


Roy Breslawski
  First of all, why do you want to convert them to TIFF? Unless you have a need to send all the shots to someone in TIFF format it is probably best to keep them in NEF. PS CS provides a great workflow starting in NEF and finishing in PSD without having any other format in between. At the end of the process you can create a TIFF or JPEG as the need arises.

The easiest way to work with the D2h NEF files is to open the Photoshop CS browser. It will create thumbnails automatically of all your NEF images. You can then select any image from the browser and the raw conversion window will open automatically. From there you can adjust white balance, exposure, brightness, contrast and many other parameters. The best part about working with the raw files is that these adjustments do not actually change any pixels. They just assign a formula for the editing program (PS CS) to use in viewing the image for editing. You can go back and change things from the original raw file as if no changes were ever made.

After Photoshop loads the image with your adjustments you can do anything you would normally do with any other image in Photoshop. Just save it in PSD or any other format and you will always have your original image file in NEF format should you want to start over for a different effect.

In essence, raw files are the equivalent of exposed, but undeveloped, film. Your raw conversion gives the same control as developing the film in the darkroom. You are basically one step earlier in the process, with the comparable added control, than with any other digital workflow.

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March 11, 2004


Jeff Amos
  I'd like to know comparative moire effect between Canon conversion software, PS CS, and Capture One. I'm getting the visual impression that Canon has quite a bit of moire, but I don't know how that compares to the other two programmes mentioned.

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April 08, 2004

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