BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Marcus T. Hokama

Place a picture within a Picture

is there a way for me to put a picture of my face or another object inside of the water drops on this photo? I have Jsac paint shop pro 7 and 8 and adobe photo shop 7. thanks

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January 19, 2004


Sean R. O'Connor
  Hey Marcus,

Try this site: Scroll down to the section called "Liquify Alert". In the quicktime movie tutorial (to the right of the screen)you'll learn how to make an image fit onto a flag that is waving in the wind. This is a tutorial in Photoshop CS, but I'm sure you can transfer some of the procedures to Photoshop 7. Hope this helps, Good luck!

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January 22, 2004

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