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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

liz read

Unique files from the disc/camera

So far as I know every "new" disc in a digi creates a repetitive set of alpha/numeric references that is, of course, unique to THAT disc...but every disc creates the same sequence.

1) does anyone know HOW to create "totally unique" picture references automatically...and so eliminate the tres tedious biz of manual labelling.

2) the MOST annoying factor re "non-unique" references is "filing" shots by which case I could have 10 labelled courtesy of the disc "DISC15" and need all of them under File Name "Tigers Roaring" (Huh! I wish!)and another 25 that all occur on different discs but with matching reference of DISC30, and all to go under "Tigers Charging".

Am I missing something?

How DOES one overcome dumb-down pic references, manual labour, etc., and is there a way to simplify this LABORIOUS process.

Oh, I am suddenly visible on QA because the more work I do, the more these shortfalls drive me straight up the wall!

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January 16, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,
My experience here - you have no control over what the camera names the photos in the camera.
YOU will be required to manually rename the photos - you do not have to do each one individually though.
There are image viewing programs, such as ACDSEE, ThumbsPlus, etc which allow you to view your images as thumbs - it also allows you to select a group of photos of the same subject and rename then - automatically generating the relevant next logical sequenced number until all the selected photos have been renamed/numbered. eg Tiger Roaring 001 up to Tiger Roaring 015.
Once you have selected the 15 (whatever number of photos, as thumbs in the image viewer - not windows explorer) and given it a title - the program will give them all the appropiate number.
Alternately - you can make a folder called tiger roaring and copy/cut paste all the photos, with original camera names, into that folder.
Hope that helps.

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January 17, 2004


liz read
  Many thanks - I know them both vaguely & was actually trolling their sites yesterday. I'll go check them out again, maybe do a trial. ACDSee 6.02 gets great reviews - I used to have version 3 (if V3 had the rename features, I never found it)but dumped it when I got PS7. Thumbs Plus I know less well. My standard "manager/editor" is PS 7 - its picture management options are fair - but so far as I've found "rename" must b done image x image - tedious work. In fact PS 7 image management (I know I know this is not their goal) I find frustrating and slow in many areas i.e. rotating/flipping images, in ACDSee or others it's a split second to achieve; in PS 7, it's so waiting for a Jumbo to get off the can almost HEAR it groaning with effort.
Thanks again
(Nice website but I couldn't get the gallery open?)

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January 18, 2004


liz read
  Many thanks - I know them both vaguely & was actually trolling their sites yesterday. I'll go check them out again, maybe do a trial. ACDSee 6.02 gets great reviews - I used to have version 3 (if V3 had the rename features, I never found it)but dumped it when I got PS7. Thumbs Plus I know less well. My standard "manager/editor" is PS 7 - its picture management options are fair - but so far as I've found "rename" must b done image x image - tedious work. In fact PS 7 image management (I know I know this is not their goal) I find frustrating and slow in many areas i.e. rotating/flipping images, in ACDSee or others it's a split second to achieve; in PS 7, it's so waiting for a Jumbo to get off the can almost HEAR it groaning with effort.
Thanks again
(Nice website but I couldn't get the gallery open?)

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January 18, 2004


liz read
I really should learn to "pay attention" - batch rename spins off the File Browser and works in a flash.
Gosh do I feel humbled.
Thanks again

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January 18, 2004


Davin Edridge
  You are welcome,
also, be aware that if you do any work on images in ACDSee (eg rotating the image), possibly for other image viewing programs with manipulation features as well - they can remove the meta data from your digital camera files - you may not think this is a big problem - but this is the only proof you have the you took the photo (camera used, camera settings, time, date, place etc) - with normal 35mm you have the film (be it positive or negative). Photoshop does not effect the meta data in your photos when working on them. Needless to say - never work on an original file - only copies!!!
I have checked my site - it is working ok now - sometimes when my ISP is doing maintainence on their servers - the website suffers a few gremlins.
(the photos page can also be alittle slower to load then the rest of the website).

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January 18, 2004


Davin Edridge
  P.S. to my website
when you load the photos page - it give you a group of buttons for different galleries - birds etc.
When you click on the button - nothing happens on that page - it opens a new page/window with that image gallery in it.
Guess, if you have pop up windows disabled in your web browser etc - it might not work.

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January 18, 2004


liz read
  somewhere in the void my planned answer has shot off beyond Mars.
Anyway...I dare not write too long...I shall return to the website and reply on your direct E mail link
I have figured out a lot more re PS7
* I can batch renaming
* it does rotate at hi speed in thumbnails...with a warning that doing so does not include good as saying (if one comprehends) that saving "costs" or leaches value off the original.
Thanks a forced me to relook my options and I found and the answers!

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January 18, 2004

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