BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Canon EOS 10D & B&W pics

Here's a question for someone with a Canon EOS 10D. Is there some setting to allow you to take Black and White pics? I know that you could open them up in Photoshop later and convert from colour to b&w, but I am interested to know if you can do this on the camera itself.

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January 15, 2004


Reid S. Mason
  Paul - color
Paul - color
Before using plug-in

Reid S. Mason

  Paul - B&W
Paul - B&W
After using plug-in

Reid S. Mason

Mr. C, No, there's no such setting. Converting to grayscale in Photoshop doesn't do such a terrific job either. Here's the answer - Go to and buy their "Convert to B&W Pro". It does a terrific job of making B&W photos out of your 10D shots. Check out this example.

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January 17, 2004

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