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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to shoot flowers under water digital?

How would I take a photo of a flower underwater without using underwater equipment. could I put it in a clear vase of some sort. and how would I reduce the glare. I use a Nikon D100 digital camera with a sb800 flash? Thank you Crystal

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January 15, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,
The only thing I can think of here - with the use of underwater gear.
If you are able to place the flowers in a very clean empty fish tank - and photographing through the glass of the side of the fish tank - you would have to be careful with your lighting and also flash would not be able to be used - just bounce off the glass back at the camera - you will also have to be weary of reflections of other backgound objects showing up in your photo as well. I think a fish tank would be better then a vase - less possibility of light reflections and refractions. The fish tank has a flat surface. You will also need to give consideration to what is on the other side of the fish tank - as this will show up in the photo too.
Use a tripod.
I have seen the results of this for studio shoots of exotic fish - but it does take alot of time to set it up right. Avoid ANY light source behind the camera, and set the camera further away from the fish tank and use a zoom lens (less chance of the camera and tripod showing up as a reflection on the side of the fish tank and in your photo - good luck.

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January 17, 2004


Marcus T. Hokama
  i am 17 and love photogralhy though a beginner as I do not get manual aperature or shutter settings all that well. I have a 300 fish tank with live rock as well as fish. I am always taking pictures of it. the easiest way I have found is to light the tank from the top of the water and angle the light onto the flower, therefore you wont have to worry about your flash. I have hundred of photos I have taken this way of my creatures, as well as rocks. also I have a thing that looks liek a fish bowl with a cover and when turned upside down the flower gets big almost like a fisheye lens. happy shooting

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January 19, 2004

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