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Photography Question 


Optical difference on digital

I have purchased a digital camera. I decided on the Canon Digital Rebel for many reasons.

My friend has one and has tried to explain a focal problem he has, but he is not a photographer so he really doesn't know what he's talking about.

The focal length for digital rebel is 1.6 times that of a fil-based 35mm SLR. To me, that's easy to understand. But, my friends says that when he takes a picture with his Rebel, he frames it in the viewfinder perfectly. Then he gets home (he has his camera on the medium resolution setting), then uploads the photo into his computer, and he says that he gets massive edges. In other words, what he sees is not what he gets, there's lots more all around the sides.

He was asking me why. Since I do not yet own a digital camera, I can't really answer this. I was hoping someone here could.

He is using the standard zoom lens that comes with the kit, I think it's a 18 - 55mm zoom lens.

I won't be using that. I only use fixed focal length lenses. I don't know if that makes a difference.

My friend is mostly shooting motorcycle racing from a distance. So, he uses a fast shutter speed, but mostly uses the auto exposure function.


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January 15, 2004


Jon Close
  I don't think the problem has to do with the lenses and the crop factor (the 1.6x multiplication is due to the digital image sensor being smaller than 35mm film). The optical viewfinder of the Digital Rebel does not show the complete image captured, just 90% of it. The LCD monitor is supposed to show 100% of the image.

Maybe the problem your friend is having is that the medium resolution capture is 2048 pixels x 1360 pixels, and he is displaying it unreduced on his monitor, (which is probably set for 1024 x 768), so that he has to scroll through the image. I'm not sure (I don't do a lot digitally), but I think he can change a display option in Photoshop, or whatever program he's using, to fit the photo to the monitor screen, without shrinking the pixel count.

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January 15, 2004


Davin Edridge
  I believe the above answer is correct. I have a Fuji S1 Pro - it states in the user guide that came with the camera - that it captures more on the image than is seen through the view finder. I'd say that is what is happening there. The resolution that is used on the camera will not effect the area captured by the camera - only the size (mega pixels) and quality of the image.

In relation to the 1.6 focal length issue - if you have an 18-55mm lens for a standard 35mm film camera - it will equal a 29-88mm lens on the digital camera.
Not all the focal length variations are the same for all cameras - for the Fuji - it is 1.5
You will still have the same focal effect on your fixed focal length lens.

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January 15, 2004

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