BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

David Wahrhaftig

Which file format for on-line finishing

I understand that I should save my images in TIFF format prior to my PS processing.

Once I've finished my processing, what is the preferred format to email to an on-line processor for prints?

Thanks, Dave

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January 11, 2004


doug Nelson
  E-mailing is the key to this. A TIF might choke most servers, so I'd think JPEG would be the preferred format for sending. The processor needs to tell you how he wants them sent, because there are image dimensions, resolution and JPEG compression considerations. Why don't you look at Epson, HP and Canon printers in the $150 range and just print them yourself from the TIF format?

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January 12, 2004

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