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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Where to start in digital photography

I have a Minolta Dimage camera and have been talking pictures forever and want to think of a career. This is the camera I have to work with and it does take nice pictures. What can I do to make them more professional in appearance? I would like to change careers, I'm a nurse right now.

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January 11, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Please check website. It has plenty to offer for DIGITAL camera users! Try also to see if you would like a copy of Image Making ($12.50) or where they have FREE online album! ENJOY!

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January 17, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,
My opinion on this subject is as follows:
Depending upon what your ideal of professional appearance is - will determine how you post produce your photos - do a search under google etc for photographers (in your local area as well) - to see what they are doing, and get ideas from what you see others are doing (how they present their final images etc). You will find out what you do and don't like and can go from there.
Do not give up you current career, until such time as you make the same amount of money or more, consistently from photography, as you do from your current work. Or. You are able to be employed as a photographer's assistant etc where you receive a regular income and can learn the ins and outs of the trade etc.
It is the dream of most people who competently take photos - to make money from it. But it is probably one of the hardest things to do.
Have a positive attitude and GOOD LUCK!

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January 17, 2004

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