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Photography Question 

Wilfredo De Los Rios

Two Part Question: Filters, Reflection on glass

1) I just got some filters for my Digital Fuji S-5000. One is Clear, One Polarizer, One Orange, One Clear with a hole in the center. I got them from a Ritz Camera Store. All are 55mm. The sales person did not explain the prober use for them. Can someone help me to understand the proper use?

2) I noticed that when I tried taking a picture of something that in a glass enclosure my reflection appeared in the images. How can I eliminate it?

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January 10, 2004


Jon Close
  You don't know what they're for, the salesperson doesn't know what they're for, why did you buy them?

The clear one is probably a UV filter, for cutting UltraViolet light. UV is invisible to human sight, but the chemical photographic film process reacts to it and will make pictures too blue, especially at altitude or seashores. I'm not sure it's really necessary for digital cameras. Many people use a UV filter on the lens full time to help protect it from scratches, fingerprints, damage in dropping, etc. The filter is relatively inexpensive/expendable compared to the lens.

The polarizer is the one to use to cut reflections in glass or on water. It is directional, you have to rotate it to get the amount of effect you want. It will also deepen the blue of skies. Works best at about 90 degrees to the sun.

The orange filter is used for black and white photography. Other common B&W filters are Red, Green, Yellow and are used to create contrast where two different colors produce the same shade of gray in B&W.

The clear with the hole in the center is used to isolate a subject. The hole allows the center subject to be clear and sharp, the surrounding glass will create blur in the rest of the scene.

or find the book, The Kodak Workshop Series - Using Filters
for more information.

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January 11, 2004


Wilfredo De Los Rios
  Jon Close: I would like to thank you for the feed back you gave me about the explanation on the use of these filter. Now I can see it clear.

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January 11, 2004

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