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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Gary Wonning

What size digital camera

I am just getting started in digital photography, what megapixel size camera would I need to produce quality prints for sale as stock photography?

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January 09, 2004


doug Nelson
  I'd think 6 megapixels is a bare minimum. I'd look at the Canon EOS 1-Ds, at 14 megapixels. Very expensive, yes, but there's a cheaper way that will give you more flexibility.

Not all stock agencies take digital images, though more are doing so every day. I'd shoot Provia and Velvia slide film with the very best lenses made, using a tripod when necessary and bracketing exposures. I'd submit transparencies (slides), but I'd also buy a good 4000 ppi (pixels per inch) to 5400 ppi film scanner and Photoshop and digitize my best shots for an on-line portfolio, and to satisfy the stock agencies who accept digital images. I don't sell much, so maybe someone who has can bring us up to date.

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January 10, 2004


Gary Wonning
  Thanks for the info.

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January 10, 2004

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