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Photography Question 

Rajiv Chopra

Upgrading Photoshop

I have Photoshop CS3, and was thinking of upgrading to CS6. Now, I find that Adobe is pushing the Photoshop Creative Cloud. Which is advisable - upgrading to CS6 or the Creative Cloud?

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August 09, 2013


Nicholas Semo
  I guess that really depends on whether or not you want to own your software or just rent it for a monthly fee. From what I understand, CS6 is the last of the creative suites, there will be no more upgrades to it. Anyone wanting the latest and greatest upgrades will be forced into using the Creative Cloud. If you can live with CS6 the way it exists now, then upgrade to CS6. If, however, you always want better, then you'll have to get the Creative Cloud.

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August 28, 2013

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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  I have read some reviews from unhappy customers regarding CS6. I have CS5 and love it.
Here is 1 review I read:
Once CS6 came out they got rid of the picture packages that thousands of photographers use (according to a recent poll) and they also got rid of the raw and psd review when you click on one of the files. CC never restored those features either further alienating it's customers.

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September 11, 2013


Richard Lynch
  To be honest, as a Photoshop user for some 20 years, almost all of what I use was available in CS. Once you got past 16-bit editing and RAW, there were really few 'essential' changes that would redefine the way you enhance an image. I think I could argue positively for the Masks panel in CS4, and I'd be curious about the conditional actions in CC, as I have asked for that feature for umpteen versions now.

My knee-jerk response to someone wanting to upgrade is always an answer to the question "what is it that you don't have now?" And then the followup is whether it is worth the sometimes minimal change in workflow -- or whether it can also be achieved by what you already have in a different and perhaps even better way.

Carlton, as far as removing features, that is not the usual Adobe methodology. I mean it has happened, but usually they have a substitute - or a better way. A quick search suggests people have gotten picture packages to work by just borrowing and installing the old plugin from the previous version. There would also be other options, like scripting, smart objects and actions. I know people get used to their methods, but I think there are ways to get these things done. I hope that helps!

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September 16, 2013


R K Stephenson
  Here's a couple more cents on this:

The new features in Camera Raw are interesting to me. CR is now a filter (no more closing an image to open it in Cr) with some neat enhancements. I particularly like Lens Corretion. Any-hoo ...

I use LR extensively but PS only rarely so I was not happy about a $200 PS upgrade. I am also completely uninterested in the $50/mo Creative Cloud -- don't need all the extra stuff.

Adobe has a new offer -- available just today -- called Creative Cloud for Photographers. $10/mo 'forever' price if you have a license for CS3 or better. CC for Photogs includes PS, LR and some cloud space.

After crunching the numbers on what I pay for annual LR upgrades plus occasional PS upgrades it is a no-brainer for me.

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September 18, 2013


Linda Eodice
  I still use CS5, and really haven't migrated to the Cloud to upgrade to CS6 for many of the reasons given above. You might consider upgrading to CS5 to update Photoshop, unless you want to pay a monthly fee for the latest version. You might be able to pay a simple upgrade fee to own the CS5 package.

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October 05, 2013

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