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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Sandra Hunt

how to shoot in harsh sunlight

i have a Canon T3i i'm taking my granddaughter to the fair during the day when the sun will be bright. what Aperture, ISO, Mode should I use? any help/suggestions I could get I would appreciate. Thanks, Sandra

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September 24, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  It is a case of havin to be there to give you the info you request. Also a clooud could block out the sun for a short period of time and a change of settings would be needed. This isn't a P&S camera but I will try to make it one for you.

Set your white balance to AWB (Auto White Balance.

Set your mode to P. It staands for Program, not profesional like Ken Rockwell keeps saying.

Set your ISO to 100.

Set your camera for center point focus.

Set the Metering mode to partial.

Set camera for single shot mode.

You may have to check your manual to see how these adjustments are made.

Put your lens hood on and keep it there forever, day and night or studio. Okay, you can put it on the lens backward when not using the camera. :=)

Between now and the time to go to the fair sign up for BP's course on learning the Canon T3i. Next go to a book store or order from Amazon Bryan Peterson,s "Understanding Exposure" and while your at it also get his book "Understanding Composition". Read and learn in that order. Keep them for the next ten years at least.

The sooner you learn the modes A,S,M,P the sooner you can put black paint across the rest of the modes and create your own photos instead of making do all the work. They were confusing to me after usinhg SLR cameras for more than four decades. I only use P mode when I can't figure out how to take the picture I want otherwise. With both A and S the cameras generally. 90%, get the proper exposure. And when I want to do all of the settings myself I use M.

Next: After this field trip sign up for

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September 24, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  Forget the last incomplete sentence. I apologize for spelling errors but if we don't catch them before we hit the submit button we cannot correct them.
For some reason BP REFUSES to give us and edit button.

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September 24, 2012


Sandra Hunt
  Thanks Lynn, I will try the settings that you have suggested. also, I am taking the 4-week course with Mr. White

thanks, Sandra

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September 25, 2012

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