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Photography Question 
- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Editor's First Picks

Has there been any Editor's First Picks for the month of August? I don't seem to be able to find any.

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August 06, 2012

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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  Cheri hasn't put up the thread yet.

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August 06, 2012

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Thank you for the prompt response.
Harriet Feagin

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August 06, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  Well Harriet I didn't know that there was a First Pick list let alone know how to find it. But they have made the First Pick selections because I have several. It would be interesting to see how my, yours and others compare and guess aqbout seeing who belongs in the "Finalist" selection.

The main problem I see is that "First Picks" are approximately 40% of those in each category it could be a lot of photos to check especially when the largest categories have 1000+ entries.


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August 06, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi Lynn; the Editors Picks / Editors First Picks (same thing) are the results of the first, rather loose round of eliminations in the monthly contest entries... They were made into visible "stickers" a few years ago; before that, you had no idea how your image might be doing, from time of original entry, until Finalists were announced later.

If you do not receive an EP sticker on an image (once other member's images for the same day start showing EP's) that particular image is out of the running for that month. And yes, it is a fairly "generous" round - with estimates of 40 - 65% of all entries submitted making it to EP.

In years past, as longtime members studied the contest workings as best they could (since it is a closed process), it amounted to an EP being approximately representative of 7th place (or perhaps even lower):

Highest/1st level = Grand Prize
Next/2nd level = First Place Prize
Next/3rd level = Second Place Prize
Next/4th level = Finalists
Next/5th level = semi-finalists (hidden)
Next/6th level = semi-semi-finalists (hidden)
Next/7th level = EP's (now visible, used to be hidden)

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August 07, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  Chris, I had some spare time and looked at the EP rate for Aug 4th, for Nature/Landscape. There were 46 photos entered and 34 had an EP, with a success rate of 74%.

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August 07, 2012

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I don't where to find all the EFP for the month. I looked at the EFP and all I could find were from July and earlier. This is why I posed the question. I have had a EFP since I wrote so the others didn't cut the mustard. How did you get the ratio of 34/46 ? I am interested to be able to find the current EFP although the past photos are lovely.

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August 07, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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Ken Smith's Gallery
  Hi Harriet, there's no simple link for EPs. I went to the regular Contest Entries page:

Then, I went back about 15 pages in the N/L category, and looked for a day that had EPs. I found August 4th. I started with the first photo uploaded after midnight. I opened each photo to see if it had an EP badge. If it did, I checked "Yes." If not, "no." I then tallied the results. Definitely a manual process, but it only took about 5 minutes. That's the only way I know for figuring out the percentage. And it was just for one day, for one category. But in the past, we did similar checks for other categories and the percentage was pretty consistent for a given month.

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August 07, 2012

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
I am impressed! Thank you for the detailed information and all the manual labor involved. I am not that ambitious, though. Again, thank you for the response.
Harriet Feagin

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August 08, 2012


Frank P. Luongo
  Yes, thanks Ken.
When I get editor's picks I feel honored because I thought I was one of 10-20 picks for each category.

It's still encouraging to get the EP label.

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September 28, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  I made a check last night and neither of mine had an EP. The first one I checked wasn't selected but that didn't suprise me too much knowing the quality of some of the photographers on this site. But neither had the second one which posted on another site where the best photographers take a look at every possible nit there was only one little nit. There were eight very good photographers, some who win that site's
monthly contest and of coursse there were the people that love every picture and would never think of saying anything against any photo that "Loved" it.

I was beginning to think that perhaps it was time for me to reexamine my photography and/or my style. However around Noon I found the second one had been selected for an EP. But I am not holding my breath about getting a Finalist. I don't look in that shade of blue. Also I had already checked some of the photos in the same category last week.

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September 28, 2012

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