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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Dino L. Rovera

Outdoor Portrait, Fill Flash WB??

If I am taking someones portrait outdoors and use my flash, either on or off camera as fill flash, which WB would I set my camera to, i.e., flash, shade or even auto? Or does it even matter because I shoot in RAW? Please advise....Thank you!!

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July 29, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Since you can change white balance settings after shooting with the raw converter program, it actually wouldn't matter. But I don't see any reason to choose one that would make the color off when looking at it on the screen on the camera back.
Flash tends to have more blue than regular sunlight which is why you have a different preset for flash and sunlight. But since the flash is fill, I'd use the daylight setting.
You could always switch back and forth between flash balance and daylight, depending on your mood. You might notice a slight shifting to a warmer, later in the day look with the flash preset.

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July 29, 2012

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