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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Jeremy D. West

Internet videos in Lesons

My internet provier, Verizon, is a 3-G internet hotpot creted here at home. They say that 4-G will not arrive until th end of 2012, if even then.

My current broadband test with CNET ws just completed, and I got a blazing speed of 191 Mbps. Using th Bandwidth Speed Test (, I did the Bandwidth Plce Speed Test/ I got a Download speed of 295kbps, while b]getting an upload speed of 33 kbps.

Can you help me with any recommendations.....I can't even load a 4 minute video lesson without waiting at least 30 minutes, and I really need these tutorials (3-4 er week, for 8 weeks and it's driving me insane.

Yesterday, Verizon recmmend I buy a $225 antenna which should at least help bit.

My question is.....would this antenna really do ny good in boosting my signsl> /If not, are there ant other methods I shoud try ti improve this terrile level of serice> If so, ho howm could thym

Thsnks very mush..........Jeremy D, /e\West

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July 03, 2012

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