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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Wendy M. Hansen-Penman

How to add watermark and border

How do all you guys add those wonderful little watermarked names or logos to each photo? And how do I do a nice frame or border for them? I use Photoshop Elements. Anyone knowledgeable, please help!!!

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May 17, 2012


Thom Schoeller
  Hi Wendy... You can add a watermark right here on BetterPhoto. It's one of the choices you make during the uploading process.
Frames and borders: Take a peek at a software company called OnOne. They have a wonderful software package that can be added right to your PS program that has thousands of frames, edges, borders, backgrounds and even texture overlays. You can buy just the "PhotoFrame" professional edition version 4.6
You can view brief classes on their website that demonstrate how to use the software and be all sorts of creative. Web address is

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May 18, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Many of the signature/copyright logos you see at BetterPhoto - that are more decorative/unique than the plain white text version BetterPhoto can create for you - are made and saved as Brush Presets. You first design the logo/graphic, then save it as a brush preset, allowing you to "stamp" it onto any image. (I believe Elements supports brush presets.) Then whenever you finalize your image edits, just create a new empty layer and stamp on the signature brush... then you can move it around, play with Blending Modes, opacity, etc., to get the look (faded/semi-transparent, outlined, shadowed, etc) that you like.

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May 20, 2012


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Thanks a lot! I will try that!

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May 21, 2012

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  I like to make my signature match the tone/color of the photo. Using the eye dropper tool, I sample a dominant color in the photo. Then I use that color for my pre-saved typeset action.

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May 21, 2012


Lisa J. Chorny
  How funny that I was just googling on this exact same subject last night, then opened my email to find it the featured discussion on Better Photo. Here's a link to a youtube video I found that helped walk me through it. It's a little long as it is geared for those that have little knowledge of PS, but, it gets the job done if you can just be patient through the slow parts.


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May 23, 2012


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  I still can't figure out how to save the copywright logo as a brush preset. And Photoshop Elements Help is really no help at all.......HELP!

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May 28, 2012


Lisa J. Chorny
  Hi Wendy, sorry to hear you're having trouble. Did you watch that video I posted? I thought he walked through the steps pretty clearly, but maybe not. I just did this and it worked for me.

After I created a new file,
added a text layer and typed my copyright info,
I flattened the layer.
Then, under the Edit menu you'll find "Define Brush".
When you click on that there will be a dialogue box that comes up.
The icon in the lower left corner of it will show you what number the brush will be saved as (I think this has to do with the size of the brush).
You can name it and press ok.

Then you should be good to go. Your brush should be in the pull down menu of brushes. Mine was at the very end of the "default brushes".

When you have the photo up that you want to watermark, click the the brush icon in the tools,
go up top to the pull down menu where you can select your brush type,
scroll to the end and it should be there.

Now you can position it on your pic and click once to add it. Also a note that you can play with it more (position, orientation, color, drop shadow etc.) if the watermark is its own layer.

Ok, I hope that helps.

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May 28, 2012


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Okay, so I didn't see that link when I read that. I did the tutorial and it worked PERFECTLY!!!! I now have a watermark brush. Thanks sooooo much!!

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May 30, 2012


David B. Spooner Yogi Berra would say "It's only slow in the slow parts" or "If you come to a fork in the road, take it"

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June 05, 2012

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