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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

David B. Spooner

shooting indoor events

This past saturday I took pictures at a family function (graduation party for my grandaughter). I was very unhapphy with the results, especially skin tones. It became very apparent that I have a lot to learn about shooting indoors. I have Bryan Petersons book on exposure but was wondering if there are other books, tutorials you might recommend.

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April 30, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  I am willing to bet that you had your WB set to AWB when you should have set it for Tungsten or Florescent depending u[on which light source was being used. Also you may have had the ISO too low and the photos are somewhat under exposed.

You live in Dallas which has a Barnes a Noble. You will find books there on about anything you are going to shoot. Up here I find the used book stores have even more books on photography than B&N does. Look around but don't just go by the cover only because some of them will be for studio work.

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April 30, 2012


David B. Spooner
  You hit the nail square on the head...I got to thinking about what I did and did not do prior to shooting and changing WB was the biggie, Did a lot of practice shots last night around the house with various modes of room lighting...really helped
Really good to hear from you,'re a great guy and a fantastic mentor...

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May 01, 2012

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Shooting in RAW would also have helped, David. As you can adjust for the correct WB later in post processing software such as Adobe's camera RAW. However, I have recently found out that even RAW could not entirely correct the WB when shooting under the sodium vapor lights. I would love to know what to do in such circumstances, hoping Lynn could throw some light on this.


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May 01, 2012


David B. Spooner
  Usman...saw your earlier post RE: sodium vapor lights...if anyone can help you Lynn and some of the other regulars have my vote

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May 01, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  No, I can't be of any assistance with sodium vaport lights because I have never done it and do not what tyhe images are like when photographed. Probably as bad as Mercury vapor lights where everything turns green. At ;east in film but again I have not done it with a digital camera.

Perhaps Carlton will come riding in on Silver and rescue all of us. :-)

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May 01, 2012


David B. Spooner
  come on big red!!!

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May 01, 2012

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