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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Pat Harry

Point & Shoot for travel

I'll be traveling in a couple of weeks, and I want to take a camera, but my DSLR is not really practical for this trip. I'm looking for a good point & shoot, just in case I stumble across the perfect photo op. :) Also, I've been wanting a good P&S to always have with me. I've searched the forum, but don't see any recent discussions on this topic. Any recommendations?

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March 30, 2012


Pat Harry
  I should probably add that I want one that shoots RAW, and allows aperture, speed, and ISO to be controlled manually. Low noise at higher ISO's would be nice. I don't need video, since I would never use it. My DSLR's are Nikon, but the point and shoot doesn't have to be Nikon since I'm not worried about lens compatibility.

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March 31, 2012


doug Nelson
  Here are a few possibilities for you. The Canon S100 has the SAME sensor as the larger, heavier G-series. It is about the most compact package you can get. I also like the Panasonic or Canon superzoom offerings. These are small DSLR- shaped bodies with a built-in zoom lens that racks out to about a 300mm equivalent.
When I want compact, but with clean high ISO and a large file size, I take my Pentax K-5 DSLR with a couple of the extremely compact DA_series prime lenses. There's a mini-review on my site of the Pentax and the older version of the Canon S100.

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April 02, 2012


Pat Harry
  Thank you, Doug. I ordered the Canon S100. It looks like a great size for my purse, and something I can have with me at all times. I appreciate the feedback.

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April 03, 2012

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