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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Tom R. Fleeman

Copyright of people over more than one day

All you copyright experts, I shoot high school sports(baseball,football,basketball,soccer) I put my photos online with Zenfolio and use Mpix labs. I sale to parents and anyone else who wants photos.Do I need release for these photos, and if so do I need to get one for each game for the season. I know someone will have answer out there.I was thought as longs as you were at a public place you could take whatever you wanted as long a it wasn't copyrighted or patented. Help.

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March 22, 2012


Robert Jensen
  The best stock agencies out there use a release form that would take most people a day to fill out! OK, a bit of an exaggeration, but the amount of information truly required on a release to protect yourself is staggering. You do not need a release if you are just selling images of someone back to that person or their parents/legal guardians. You do need a release if you are selling them to someone else, and Yes ... each shoot or day of the shoot must be on the release. You cannot shoot someone today and tomorrow, and then sell the "tomorrow" image if that date is not specifically on the release. Even in public you need a signed release ... that is why you often see folks blurred out in various images. If the image is for editorial purposes, then you do not need a release. The second you are selling for commercial purposes, you must have a release.

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April 13, 2012

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