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Photography Question 

Rhonda Royse

How to upsize a picture in PS4

HI! I am trying to get a few photos ready to submit to a stock agency. In reading their requirements, they need to be at least 24mb in size. I have a few that are not. How can I upsize these? Right now the size I am looking at is in Bridge and in raw. I took them in my studio.

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February 03, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Rhonda,
My Canon 5D mk II shoots raw files at 22MB range but when I convert this image to an uncompressed .tif file - it gets bigger (60+ MB). Try converting them again and save as uncompressed .tif and you should be good to go. I also shoot at 16 bit depth which translates to 120MB .tif but usually I change the image back to 8 bit to save space on my Hard Drives.
You can also Cntrl+I (Image size) and increase the pixels but this is not preferred and increasing too much will degrade the image quality.
my .02,

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February 05, 2012


doug Nelson
  Could it be that the stock agency wants high-bit (over the 8 bit per red/green/blue channel) images, so that THEY can do any color and tonal correction? I have heard of agencies asking for the RAW image in the camera's proprietary format. Photogs (like me) who convert my RAWs to DNG could come up short. But, I don't sell anything, anyway.

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February 08, 2012


Rhonda Royse
  The Tiff image for sure works. But they are asking for a high quality JPEG. Once I convert to JPEG - it is tiny in size. so I have no idea what to do next.

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March 21, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Rhonda, that's definitely a large JPG image. My camera has a pixel resolution of 5616 x 3744, and saved as a JPG at max quality results in file 12MB or so.

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March 22, 2012

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