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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Frances Saunders

Hanging Photos in a Gallery

I have been taken on by a new gallery. My photos are being displayed on a wall diagonally to a large picture window. True, the natural light may be good, and I use archival printing materials, always, but I am concerned about the location. Should I be? I really need some good opinions about this in a fairly quick period of time. I am hoping this will work. Thanks,

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January 12, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  If the photos are on a south wall, there will not be a problem since it isn't in direct sunlight. Find out if the gallery has a high UV glass windows or if they have a heavy tint. Both will reduce the lack of hazard to your photos. I do have one photo on the west wall since there is an overhang on the roof that prevents the morning light from directly hitting the photo. As long as direct sunlight does not strike them, your photos should be fine.

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January 12, 2012


Frances Saunders
  Thank you Lynn. That helps a good deal. There is no UV or tint. The wall is at a 50-degree angle to the window and there is ceiling tile above. I'll have to look outside and see if there is any overhang back there. I think the window itself faces SW. Okay, lots to think about. Thanks!

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January 13, 2012


richard cofrancesco
  Frances, remember that all color photography is reflective and good lighting on your images will make them stand out.

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January 17, 2012

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