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Photography Question 

Ralph E. Jostes

Ohau Hawaii picture taking advice

My wife and I receintly celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and received an amazing trip to Ohoa, Hawaii from our children. We are taking several tours that are included in our package and I have been looking at a couple of photography tours offered at Ohau (a sunrise tour and and a sunset tour specificially). I was wondering if anyone has been to Ohau and might have any photo advice to offer. I really enjoy landscape photography and hope to bring home some incredable photos.

I am also looking for the best way to bring my photos home. I have a Nikon D80 camera and four 4GB cards that will hold over 2000 photos (which should be enough, but I thought that I might need more memory or want to back them up while there, and what would be the best way to do so. I have a portable hard drive and a few 8GB thunb drives, but I didn't want to take along our laptop if I didn't have to. It may be that I will have access to a computer at our hotel that I could use also. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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January 09, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Congratulations to both of you Ralph,
I did something similar when I went to Europe. I was with 11 other photographers and knew Jim Zuckerman & others would have their laptops, so I just took some blank DVDs & a portable HD and backed up my CF cards to both. I never completely trust a hard drive so DVD is a secondary backup or your thumb-drives will suffice as well if you have enough storage space. I then erased & reused the CF cards. Call the hotel and make sure they have a PC you can use and take a USB card reader along.
I shoot raw and because I was busy shooting, I didn't want to spend time editing the images on the trip (more fun to just keep shooting and enjoying each other on your adventures) plus its fun to dig into them once you get home.
I prefer to take a tripod everywhere and carry a lightweight carbon fiber as I feel the tripod is worth the weight/hassle to get some shots you cant get hand-holding.
Have fun,

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January 09, 2012


Joe Cosentino
I am headed to Icelamd and plan on using one card for each day of the trip then copying that off to my Mac book air and also a portable HD the kind that doesn't have a power block to carry along. So there will be 3 copies of the photos .

I have thought about a portable DVD burnner but I am not sure yet on that yet.

I will be in Ohia in July this year. What's the name of the photo tour group you are going with I would like to try that one of the days

Enjoy your trip

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January 11, 2012


Ralph E. Jostes
Thanks,I plan to contact our travel agent (located in Honolulu) or our hotel today to make sure I will have access to a computer.
I just started using a tripod for some for some of my landscape photos, and I am just beginning to realize some of the benefits of doing so that makes messing with the tripod worthwile.
Thanks for responding,

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January 12, 2012


Ralph E. Jostes
  Joe C,
Are you able to down load photos from your camera or card directly to these divices you spoke of without the use of a computer? I would assume there are such devices, but maybe they are quite pricy.

O'ahu Photography Tours is the name of the agency I am taking the photography tour with. I will let you know in a couple weeks how the tour was.

Have a great trip to Iceland,

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January 12, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  HI Ralph,
I have a Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 Carbon Fiber Tripod that has 4 sectioned legs which collapses down very small. Gitzo also makes great tripods but they are a little more $$. For waterfall, landscape and night shots, tripods are a must :)
The MacBook Air Joe mentioned is a laptop but a very thin/sleek one.
A portable Hard drive & your thumb drives should suffice if the hotel can oblige with a PC for you to use - just make sure to backup to 2 sources. I have paid the price of not doing so and it really sucks to lose images...
my .02

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January 12, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Hi Ralph

Thanks for the tour info, my MacBook air will be powering my hard drive. So as it stands right now I will have a omputervwith me.
Check out the link below there are options for hard drives with card readers and small screens, I may pick this one up . I addeded to my amazon wish list.

Hope that helps with storage issues, the problem is going light.


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January 12, 2012


Ralph E. Jostes
  Carlton & Joe C.

I thank you both... you've been a great help!

I will let you know how the photo tour goes.


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January 12, 2012


Joe Cosentino
Enjoy your trip, looking forward to hearing about the tour


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January 12, 2012


Ralph E. Jostes
  Carlton & Joe,
Our trip to Oahu Hawaii was amazing, and the weather was unblieveable... 80'during the day and 70's at night with no humidity!

I took both the Sunrise and Sunset Tours with Oahu Photography Tours while there. My wife went along on the Sunrise Tour and really enjoyed the sites.

I was very pleased with both tours. Alex took us to some great locations
to get some amazing photos. A few we could have found on our own, but most were remote locations that were off the normal tourist path that we would have never found without taking these tours.

I was very fortunate in that both my tours were private, as he had some last minute cancellatons. Alex freely offered advice about camera settings, filters, etc. and enthusiastically answered all my questions about photography as well as questions about Oahu and it's history... he is very knoledgable about both.

I told my wife that if I hadn't gotten one good picture on his tours, it would have still been well worth the cost because I learned so much about landscape photography (and Ohau) from Alex. And by the way, I got some of the most amazing photos I have ever taken!

At the sunset location, we saw a humpback whale jump completely out of the ocean. We were on weathered lava cliffs with the thunderous ocean waves crashing against and running off of them, all with the ocean, the sunsetting, and Diamond Head Crater in the photo background. It was a life experience I will never forget.

The website is...


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March 03, 2012


Joe Cosentino

Thanks for the info in the tours. I was also planning on both sunrise and sunset tours

Sounds like they are well worth it


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March 03, 2012

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