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Photography Question 

Owen Dawson

trip to Zion/ Page area

I'm planning a two week photo trip to Utah/Arizona in february 2012.
Trying to figure out how to time manage it all. We are planning on flying into Las Vegas and driving to Zion on the first leg of the trip. 4-5 days there,then off to Page to see antelope canyon/"the wave" (if we can get permits). Might drive up to Bryce for a few days. Everything is still open as far as itinerary. If anyone has done this trip and has as suggested itinerary I would be all ears. the goal is to come back with some great shots, not necessarly to see as much as we can in the two weeks. thanks, Owen

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December 28, 2011


Bob Cammarata
  Don't pass up Bryce... definitely a "must-see" kind of place!
You should also consider a side trip to Coral and Pink Sand Dunes SP in south Utah.
..and don't forget about Arches NP.

Try to plan spending at least some of your visits during the brief periods around sunrise or sunset.
The interplay of light and shadows on the spiracles and red rock formations will be truly magical.

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December 28, 2011

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Feel free to hit my contact button and send me an e-mail. I've been to Zion, Bryce, the Wave (including the lottery system at the ranger station), and Antelope Canyon. You definitely need to hit Horseshoe Bend near Page...and if you have more time, Monument Valley...a must in my opinion. You can check my gallery to see the UT/AZ shots.

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December 28, 2011


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Owen... I saw your other post regarding the canyons. In early November, I did Upper and Lower Antelope, Canyon X, Horseshoe, Valley of the FIre, The Wave and The Subway (in Zion). I did a fair amount of research before going and have some notes I'd be happy to send you. I'd highly recommend The Subway, which is truly amazing for photography, but a decent hike to get to. The Wave is also incredible, but you are past the 4 month window to get your advance permit, so you'd have to do the lottery unless a cancellation appears on the Wave website. If you are there two weeks, you'll have plenty of time to get a walk-in Wave permit. Don't miss the Wave!!

Feel free to email me and I'd be happy to send you some notes and chat over the phone if you want.

Ken Koskela

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December 30, 2011

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