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Photography Question 

Kathleen Rinker

Refurbished Camera Body

Is it a bad idea to buy a factory refurbished Nikon D300s camera body?

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December 14, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Kathleen,
I have bought a couple of used camera bodies but not a refurbished one. If you are buying it from Nikon and they have a warranty, I think you are perfectly safe.
1 of my used cameras is still going strong and I sold the other (1DS) to a friend and it is still working fine.
my .02,

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December 14, 2011

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  I've bought a couple of factory refurbished lenses from Canon and have been very pleased. The benefit is that Canon inspects each lens that it refurbishes before sending it to a vendor whereas with new lenses they just pull samples off the line from time to time.

If Nikon does the same with its cameras and if you get a 1 year warranty either from Nikon or the seller (as I do from Adorama when I buy a lens) then I think it can be a good idea. I wouldn't buy it, however, unless it was refurbished by Nikon and came with at least a 1 year warranty.

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December 14, 2011

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  I see that Ritz Camera is offering Nikon refurbished cameras at a discounted price. Deal includes a 1-year "expanded" warranty.

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December 15, 2011


Thom Schoeller
  Hi there Kathleen,

Yes, your safe with the "factory" refurbished D300s. You may want to compare prices to something B&H may have used (assuming your not already purchasing the refub from them) They are quite thorough inspecting the equipment before they re-list.


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December 15, 2011


Kathleen Rinker
  Thank you everyone for your responses, I appreciate it very much!!

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December 16, 2011


Adrian M. Benson
  I bought a factory refurbished D200 from B&H about 5 years ago and have been using it heavily since. No problems with it at all, when it arrived it was truly like a new camera. The refurbs are a good deal. Not as cheap as used gear, but safer imho.

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December 19, 2011


Kathleen Rinker
  Thank you so much for the feedback Arian!!

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December 19, 2011

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